The Slow Tourist: Finding Balance in the Age of Trends and Bucket Lists

Have you ever found yourself saying, “I need a vacation from this vacation!”? On this post, I’ll share how I try to find balance and experience my own kind of ‘happy travels’.

But first, I’m sharing my thoughts on the negative image of tourists —I heard that many would prefer to say they are travelers because of the negative connotation of the term ‘tourist’.

I think of it as being a guest at someone else’s home. We follow simple and basic rules of etiquette like being mindful of what we leave behind.

Do you consider yourself a traveler, a tourist, or a little bit of both? Or perhaps like me, you’ve never really put much thought on the labels themselves?

Definition of tourist:

a person who travels and visits places for pleasure and interest.

We’re all tourists in one way or another and we’re always going to optimize our travel experiences through our own understanding of what is worthy and fulfilling.

When a visitor waits in line to see popular attractions over hidden local gems — great! — I may even do a bit of that myself as a visitor. These sights and attractions are popular for a reason. Mostly, a positive one, perhaps one that enlightens the visitor to what the place is known for and learn more about the city and its history.

I understand that going to local joints may allow for a more cultural experience, but I believe that not one lifestyle fits all nor is better than the other unless we are talking about things that are, in obvious reasons, negative ones. I think of it as being a guest at someone else’s home. We follow simple and basic rules of etiquette like being mindful of what we leave behind. This is where the negative connotation of the word ‘tourist’ is understandable — where some display a lack of respect for the culture, its people, and surroundings. But this, honestly (and sadly), also applies to some locals.

I’m forever a tourist in my own city but in a more positive sense.

Awestruck, every single time I see the Golden Gate Bridge, and I’ve lived here for more than a decade!

See more: My Favorite Spots to See San Francisco’s Famous Bridge

In the end, it’s all a matter of personal preference. Whether you want to explore the hidden gems or wait in line with the tourist crowd, or do both—all that should matter is what makes you happy, what makes your travel experience a positively memorable one.

When I was writing about the Palace of Fine Arts, I did some reading about it as I wanted to provide readers with more insight. Little did I know, it brought me my own enlightenment about the place. The next time I got to visit PoFA, I experienced it through a different perspective — ’twas a renewed appreciation for it, for sure.

See more: Before Sunset – Palace of Fine Arts & Marina Green

I think we’ll always find something new to explore, or experience the same sight with a different view or mindset each time. There is always something new to discover, something that flourished out of inspiration, even in something ordinary or commonplace.

In the end, it’s all a matter of personal preference. Whether you want to explore the hidden gems or wait in line with the tourist crowd, or do both—all that should matter is what makes you happy, what makes your travel experience a positively memorable one.

By slowing down and taking a break, it allows me to see and feel those things that I value most.

Staying on Track and True to Myself as I Welcome the New Year

I’ve never really given much thought about “Slow Travel” until in recent years when it’s gotten more attention. Trends and labels aside, I do prefer a more laid-back and mindful way of traveling.

Not too long ago when going on out-of-town trips, I used to make a long Travel To-Do List only to end up getting stressed out and disappointed by not having to check everything off. Why and what are these lists for anyway if I don’t get to enjoy the moments spent on my trips?

I prefer to take it slow and simply take on a short adventure and experience something other than my day-to-day life. But the idea of leaving home constantly and/or checking off a long travel bucket list is overwhelming for me and is not in my capacity nor in my nature.

When I explore on my own, I like taking it slow, checking off places little by little whilst taking it all in. When I’m with my S.O. or perhaps my GFs, I focus on the time spent bonding with them.

Visiting new places means going on adventures to explore something new, but if your day is filled with too many places/activities, you might end up too tired and overwhelmed to enjoy each other’s company. Communicate openly and kindly with each other—it’s beneficial in any relationship to be mindful and respectful of each other’s time and social energies.

December in San Francisco – Friendships are Blessings

However, when hosting first time visitors in San Francisco, I try to show them around the city to as much places as I could in hopes of making their visit extra, extra worthwhile. I change my mindset and slip into serious hosting mode. I truly enjoy hosting friends and fam, I actually think it’s my love language. If you’re a first time visitor, you can always count on me as your supreme committed host LOL!

For example, when my parents first visited me, the itinerary was quite full, we even drove them almost 2 hrs. to Napa, but for their second visit, we did a bit more of a laid-back itinerary with diverse culinary experiences in the city as the highlight of their trip.

Image from story: Labor Day in SF A Long Weekend Itinerary

Not too long ago when going on out-of-town trips, I used to make a long Travel To-Do List only to end up getting stressed out and disappointed by not having to check everything off. Why and what are these lists for anyway if I don’t get to enjoy the moments spent on my trips?

Trends fade, we’ll never entirely fit one label, and bucket lists are goals meant to change as we grow.

During family trips, as a kid, I’d bring a pillow with me along with some bags of chips for when we get stuck in heavy traffic—and I was completely content with that. We would stop at food stands for local goodies and some stretching. I would play around with our film camera and I remember my mother calling me out for wasting the film roll because she would see me taking snaps of the skies, trees, mountains, and just about any random thing that captures this little kid’s eyes.

I would enjoy the simplest things like a dog with its head popped out of an open car window, tongue out and all (LOL!). Or just like a cat, I also remember sitting on the ledge of the window of my grandparents’ house just people-watching for hours!

It’s normal for us to get influenced by external matters which lead to some of the changes we experience in ourselves, as years go by. But there comes a time when we have to ask ourselves—what do we really value the most? For me, it’s like my story when I was a little kid, experiencing joy in the littlest things regardless of societal views. A sincere and positively memorable travel experience is what I value most.

Image from story: December in San Francisco – Friendships are Blessings

We all have our differences but in the end, don’t we all just want the same thing? To experience joy from something new and flourish from it.

We shouldn’t get too caught up with labels, trends, and bucket lists. Whether you’re on your own or with company, the sweetest memories are made when the journey is not strictly curated. Most importantly, stay true to yourself.

Trends fade, we’ll never entirely fit one label, and bucket lists are goals meant to change as we grow.

Say goodbye to societal pressures and — with arms wide open — welcome your own kind of happy wandering, your own kind of bliss. ❤